A Prayer Cabin Prayer

As you come to seek and pray 
For strength to follow in His way, 
Know every blade of grass and tree 
Cry forth His heart's deep care for thee. 

For those that come to rest and see 
The good things God does constantly, 
His love surround and help you grow 
As sure you see these waters flow. 

When self doubt and low esteem 
Flood in to trash your fondest dream, 
I pray He open wide your eyes 
To see yourself His dearest prize. 

If confusion is your plight 
Conflicting paths attract your sight, 
Into His presence come, be still 
And taste the pleasure of His will. 

For those who long to see His face 
Be bold to enter in His grace, 
He's set His gaze upon your heart 
To guide your thoughts, and strength impart. 

If impatience plagues the soul 
And fear proclaims you'll miss your goal, 
Observe how changing seasons tell 
God's in control and all is well. 

If a quarrel brings you here 
Allow the Prince to draw you near, 
With balsam of His Peace be filled 
Through kindness let all hate be killed. 

If you bring sorrow or dispair 
And carry pain or load of care, 
Please know His burden yours can be 
His yoke of love will set you free. 

If anger in your breast does burn 
And cause your guts to wrench and churn, 
Remember how Christ died for you, 
And His same love forgives them too. 

Perhaps you've come ensnared by sin 
That saps your strength and draws you in, 
Release is yours, just lift your voice 
And Godly sorrow affirm your choice. 

If disease and illness test 
God's greatest treasure in earthen vest, 
May healing oil from life be poured 
Your body touched and hope restored. 

If loneliness has been your friend 
And proved that love must always end, 
Here find the One companion true 
Whose greatest wish is to be with you. 

If you seek wisdom just lift your eyes 
To see His pattern in changing skies, 
Blowing and flowing, in, over and through 
Be still and listen for His voice in you. 

If you bring happy thanks to give 
To He who reigns and ever lives, 
Then make fair contest with the birds 
To see who wins with fairer words. 

If yours is joy untold to sing 
And fill this house with noisome ring, 
And dance and rhythm move your feet 
Then leave some here the next to greet! 

Dick Funnell,              Vancouver, WA  March '98 

